Resetting our course to achieve our goals in 2021

In a recent Flexibility Matters Work Smart: Work Ready seminar we were asked by Deana Murfitt Executive Coach and MD of the Breakfast People to imagine that we’re jumping aboard a sailing boat on a trip into uncharted waters. These unfamiliar surroundings at sea can be compared to the times we are living through with COVID-19. We need to be mindful of just how difficult this journey is, cut ourselves some slack and manage our expectations – especially when things are not going to plan.
The pandemic has brought huge uncertainty into our lives we have been living with insecurity and indecision in almost every area of our lives for almost a year. So, trying to achieve our goals, particularly job seeking, whilst feeling confident with our direction and strategy, can feel daunting if not impossible.
As we sail through 2021, Deana talks about needing to manage our goals in much the same way as we do a sailing trip – feeling comfortable about changing course, or resetting, to reach our destination – as obstacles, or rocks, block our path. Regular course correcting is part and parcel of life’s journey, with all tiny progressions in the right direction recognised and celebrated. We just need to keep our map and destination in view whilst being mindful of the rocks along the way, such as homeschooling or job seeking.
We need to focus on the things that help us ‘course correct’. Doing the things that ‘puts wind in our sails,’ keeps us moving towards our end-goal – will help enormously. This could be anything from a weekly Pilates class, resilience when we don’t get that dream job, to seeing the first blooms of Spring whilst out walking.
Above all else, as captains of our own ships, we need to take great care of ourselves and practise getting comfortable with continually resetting as we move along our journeys. We don’t know for sure what lies ahead. If COVID-19 has taught us anything, it is that we need to appreciate what we have and keep moving forward regardless of the many obstacles along the way.
Read more of our Top Confidence Tips here!