Taking the time to understand what you need from a flexible working structure is key. We have the experience, the relationships and the passion to make it work.

We listen

Your requirements – how work needs to fit with other demands and the sort of people you need to support the growth of your business – these are things we keep front of mind.
flexible part time jobs
flexible part time jobs

We network

We have an excellent track record of working with businesses and individuals who want flexible working. Our network is strong and growing. The relationship with our clients is at the heart of our work.

We mentor

Our relationships are nurtured and sustained through our programme of events, training and support. It doesn’t end with recruitment - we’ll be there for you when you need us.
flexible jobs
"Having known Emma for some time we’ve recently formed a working group called Work Links with Cat Harris Senior L&D Partner at First Central Insurance, an alliance to promote and pioneer flexible working best practice in Sussex. The most recent…
Winnie, Propellernet
"Flexibility Matters are different to other recruiters: they listen and they think outside-the-box. There is a huge wealth of talent that doesn’t want the normal 9 to 5 and if you listen to other recruiters, they will tell you there…
Alison, Workhorse
"I found a director-level role as well as recruited two members of staff through Flexibility Matters so I have experience of working with them on both sides, as an employer as well as someone looking for a new job. In…
Emily, WAAC
"The team were able to send through high calibre candidates from their untapped pool of experienced professionals and worked closely with us to help fill the role. Solutions were found for us and the whole process worked really well."
Tiffany, Ticketmedia
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