Flexible Working is here to stay – make it work for your business!
The global COVID-19 crisis has transformed the face of work for millions. With many businesses now taking on a more blended approach to remote and office-based work, ‘flexible working’ is well and truly here to stay. The enforced need to adapt has fundamentally changed the way companies are run and has shown that many jobs can and are being done remotely, part time or with compressed hours.
At Flexibility Matters we have been actively championing this necessary business change for the past 6 years and are uniquely positioned to resource for this new ‘normal’. Matching businesses with results-oriented professionals that need a flexible approach to their work hours, has meant that we know the key requirements for successful partnerships.
During the lockdown period we launched a service specifically designed to help businesses maintain projects whilst teams were scattered or unable to work. Experts in their fields, such as Marketing, HR and Finance, Flexibility Matters Consultants worked on an agreed day rate and on continual rolling contracts. Being able to adopt an agile mindset about how, where and when work happens has never been so important as now, but what else is needed to make this new flexible ‘normal’ work? Here are our top three must-haves:
- Trust vs control. Leadership must inspire trust by focusing on outputs (results) rather than hours worked and be clear on what the measures are.
- Clear deliverables. Have flexible working team charters, agreed by the teams themselves, based on what they need to deliver.
- Flex enabling tech. Optimise the use and training of Microsoft Teams, Office 365, Zoom, Open Chat etc, giving all the confidence to choose how best to achieve results.
Emma Cleary, Flexibility Matters. Contact me on 0781 0541 599/Email: emma@flexmatters.co.uk.