Weathering the storm – marketing and people

Marketing Consultants
When things get tough the first thing to go are marketing and people. With many on furlough at the moment then next thing business owners will be looking at is marketing spend. Whatever you do don’t slash your marketing budgets:
Check our why here https://hbr.org/2009/04/how-to-market-in-a-downturn-2
According, to the HBR and many other articles, brands that carry on marketing in tough times weather the storm better:
So, if your marketing team is on furlough or you don’t have a marketing team, Flexibility Matters has over 200 specialist and experienced marketers and digital marketers looking work on a day rate, 1-3 days a week, for a month or two, to assist businesses to keep their message/brand top of mind during the pandemic. These consultants can guide you on strategy and consistent messaging to come out of the lockdown with your brand intact and position you for the rebound.
All well versed with working from home and remotely and can be interviewed and briefed via zoom
Employed on a day rate, paid and invoiced through Flexibility Matters on a monthly basis with no scary recruitment fees attached
Corporate social responsibility.
If sadly you have had to let staff go through the pandemic or after furlough cannot keep your whole team employed, please do give them Flexibility Matters details and we will endeavour to help with their next career move. It’s always good to give leavers a friendly contact to help them find their next role.
Call Emma at Flexibility Matters on 07810 541599 for more details
Keep Well. Emma